Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Power of Feedback

Hi guys,,, Today, my friends and I have a very interesting discussion in our English Club. One of my friends offered a new activity in our community to practice our productive skills. This new agreement comes to a role in which all the participants need to deliver their ideas about anything that they concern as an important issue and write it down in a page where many people can read it.

Deal with that brilliant idea I was in my will to give my argument and practice together with them. Motivated by that concept of learning, I was trying to expose something in significantly relative with the technique. I found that by posting any written opinion in an accessible media, it could encourage many people to provide some feedbacks. Therefore, for those who posted the articles in the internet could improve their writing.

Feedback is an activity which represents people's response and correction toward others' ideas. It is purposively meant to give an improvement for those who are being corrected.

In the educational field, feedback is extremely important to be implemented. When teachers deliver some materials to the students, they will make sure that their students understand the lesson by recording their score. While on the other hand, the students will improve themselves when they got feedbacks from the teachers. 

However, in reality teachers in school nowadays very rarely give correction to their students' work. The teachers are only transferring the knowledge and giving score without any concern about the accuracy of students' answer. Consequently, there is no doubt that so many students are cheating on the tasks.

I was one of the victims of that improper way of school's teaching process. Almost in every year studied I wondered about from where my score came from. I've got A, B, C and even D in my study, but I couldn't surely agree with that result. Sometimes when I compared my ability to my friends’, it totally had no match with the score that we’ve got. Again, I was questioning all the time about how I could possibly get that score. Until one day in about sophomore year, I met a lecturer who gave me the feedbacks and transparently showed me how my score was counted. At that time, although, I got C for the subject, I was very satisfied on it. The lecturer not only gave me feedback, but she also encouraged me to correct others' mistakes. As a result I've capable enough to respond my friends’ mistakes. Since that occasion I just realized, when we received a feedback, it will help us to expand our ability, and when we try to give feedback, with the responsibility we aware of our own mistakes.

The feedback is not only essential to the school matter, but it also useful for the social life. In a family, for instance, when parents reminded their children, and supported them with the feedback, I believe that they have taught their children to be aware of any mistake in their life so that they would be able to encourage themselves to be better.

So guys…. With that experience I strongly recommended to never afraid of giving feedback. Furthermore, we need to wisely receive any feedback that we’ve got. Because, even though sometimes it’s hard, but by the time we will be stronger and know how to fix our mistakes.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Formation of Pearl

Example of Explanation Text

General statement
Many women’s appearances trimmed by jewelry that is made by pearl since it is a lustrous gem that that is resistant of corrosion and makes the wearer looks gorgeous . pearl might be found inside an oyster because it is formed by the heap of extremely slight epithelium of the mollusk.

            The construction of pearl begins when the mantle tip of the oyster is eaten by fish as the mollusk opens its shell to absorb food. It brings about the epithelium becomes fragments which will be scrubbed together with surrounding sand into the mollusk’s shell. Yet, this circumstance happens infrequently since it is impossible to ensure the oyster is always eaten by fish. Thus, the formation of  qualified pearl requires more time because of the need of sufficient epithelium.

            After the crumbs is concentrated enough inside the oyster. The mollusk deposes its resin to wrap the irritant in order to discard itself of pain impacted by the irritant. This sticky substance is known as nacre which swathes the core of pearl and also makes the pearl shine naturally.


Example of News Items Text

Newsworthy Event
Kabul, Afghanistan – Rod Nordland and Sangar Rahimi, the journalists of New York Times reported the incident of self-destruction bomber which murder 14 persons incorporating 10 foreigners on Tuesday connected to global disturbance the Muslim world as a sequel to a video mocking the Prophet Muhammad.
Background Event
The Incident occurred when the suicide bomber in the assault on Tuesday drove a car filled of explosives at high speed directly into a minibus conveying foreign employees on Airport Road. It had assassinated all 12 individuals overseas and two persons on the road. This murder associated to the film which has circulated in YouTube. Thus, the insurgent did the attack to enquire Internet supplier to clog sites hosting video.

The film created anunrest in the whole of the related government. It moved American federal authorities to investigate the man behind the film, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, 55, to tamp down the disruption eventhough American Law has no rule about it. However, in Sept. 11, a multitude struck the American embassy in Cairo. Consequently, the disruption briskly diffused to Libya and claimed the lives of their ambassador and his three staff.

Since the video was posted on YouTube in the days before Sept. 11, there are 28 victims have been killed in six countries as a result of objection over the video. It cried attention to a Florida pastor of a small church who had publicly staged burnings of the Koran last year in the United States. Yet, the Muslim world became wider after an Arabic language version of the film started to spread on the web.
            Hezb-i-Islam, a spokesperson for an Afghan insurgent group asserted a duty for the bombing was conveyed out by an 18 year-old woman. He also said that the responsibility for the Kabul bombing is an utmost faction headed by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar which fight against both the Taliban and the Afghan government.

            The Kabul police chief, Mohammad Ayoub Salangi uttered at least six of the 10 dead foreigner were South Africans who worked in a private company that provides service to the United States Agency for International Development and the other organizations in Afghanistan, five men and a woman, one was a Filipino and the citizenships of the others were debatable.

            A street vendor, Abul Rahim, 40, who was 150 yard from the location of the attack took place asserted that the suicide bomber steered into the minibus on a small lane that was part of Airport Road. The bomb exploded with such power as the vehicles crashed and ending that both conveyance up 100 yard away each another.


Example of Explanation Text

General Statement
Firefly is a kind of insect which gleams at night. It has a beautiful twinkling flash which makes people are interested to see and do research about its light. As an electric bulb, it also produces the light inside of its body with chemical reaction. However, it is different because the firefly does not produce the energy which contains a lot of heat. The flash is cold. It is because the light producing organ in its body releasing around 100% of energy in the form of light. Thus, it can survive the experience.

Fireflies’ light is generated by a special organ that is composed of light-producing cells called Photocyte1). The organ is situated on the fourth or fifth vertebra of their bodies. The light is on when oxygen combines with calcium Adenisine Triphosphate2) (ATP) and the chemical luciferin3) in the presence of luciferace4) or a bioluminescent enzyme.

Fireflies do not emit the illumination constantly. They turn the light on and off. It means that there are certain mechanisms in their bodies that play the role like a switch of an electric light that turn on and off the light. The molecule that acts as a switch is a chemical which is called Nitric Oxide (NO) 5). The presence of this chemical which binds to the mitochondria6) allows oxygen to flow into the light organ where it combines with the other chemicals needed to produce the bioluminescent reaction. Then, the oxygen molecules are trapped by the mitochondria. It is because the nitric oxide breaks down very quickly. Consequently, the oxygen molecules are not anymore available for the production of light.

1)  Cells that are within abdomen of fireflies
2)  Molecule that stores and transport energy in living organisms
3)  Chemical substance produces a light
4)  Enzyme that catalyzes the reaction
5)  A molecule which is produced by cell walls of blood vessels
6)  Organ cells that provide energy

Removing Slum Areas

Example of Analytical Exposition Text

            Slum area is a run-down area of a city. It is generally characterized by substandard housing and squalor which is built on government property or land such as a side of rails and under bridges. The shanty town usually becomes a problem for the nation. Thus, It has two reasons why removing the slum areas are important.

            First is to retain the beauty of a city. It is essential to preserve because it gives influence to develop country’s economy. People will feel comfortable living and working in clean and beautiful city. They will proud of their town and promote it to another country. Then, it will increase the number of tourism. Consequently, the state revenue will be expanded.

            Health is the most important thing in people life, not only for the individual benefit, but also for the country. Mostly, the slum dwellers do not care of the cleanliness. They often throw the waste into the river without considering the consequences. Therefore, the rubbish stops the drain of the water up and cause floods. Additionally, thousands of flies and mosquitoes live in there and spread the sickness to the people and even causing death. Thus, it is significant to prevent the diffusion of disease and reducing the number of demise.
            In conclusion, removing the slum areas is an important decision to take. Without slum areas, a nation will be able to retain the beauty of a city and prevent the dispersion of illness.
Today is November 3rd 2015. It has been 2 years since I create this blog. I almost forgot that I've ever made a blog before. Now, I have a task with my pals in English club to start writing anything that we have discussed to this page so that I mean to sign up for an account. surprisingly I already have one [laugh]... I hope this time I won't back to the next 2 years as what I did before. It's hard to start, but it's harder to maintain. I hope next time there will be a way to keep this blog alive \(^_^)/

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